Sometimes situations arise when a person is already at the limit: the excess weight is already so tired that you want to drastically and quickly get rid of it.
If you have willpower and a great desire, you can lose 10 kg in a week. We will show you how to do this.
Last Chance Diet
Using this diet, you will lose 1 kg per day, which equals 1 centimeter at your waist and hips. That is, seven kilograms will go away in a week. You will lose the other three pounds with the help of exercises and little tricks, which we will discuss below.
The essence of the diet
The technique is almost entirely based on slimming shakes, making this diet extremely easy to prepare. During its application, you will get rid of edema and cleanse your body of harmful (toxic) substances.
The heart of the Last Chance meal plan is milk, which is high in amino acids and calcium. The use of such a menu promotes the absorption of vitamins A and E in high doses.
Diet has two big benefits worth mentioning. First, it regulates feelings of hunger and satiety. On the other hand, the Last Chance technique improves the functioning of the nervous system, so that while losing weight you will not be depressed.
As mentioned, the main dish on your menu is cocktails. You will drink three of these cocktails a day in order to lose weight by 1 or more kilograms per day.
Yoghurt and Strawberry Cocktail - 370 kcal
- fat-free natural yogurt (150 g);
- 250 ml milk 1. 5%;
- raw egg yolk;
- artificial sweetener to taste;
- a small amount of strawberries.
Preparation:Yogurt should be well mixed with milk, egg yolk, sugar substitute. You can add a little cinnamon to the dish to improve the taste. Pour the mixture over the chopped strawberries. The low-calorie breakfast is ready - bon appetit!
Milk and melon cocktail - about 200 kcal
- 1 slice of melon;
- 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
- 250 ml cold milk;
- raw egg yolk;
- if desired, you can add half a glass of "eggnog" (a mixture of cognac, egg yolks, vanilla and powdered sugar) here.
Combine melon pulp, lemon juice and eggnog. Add cold milk and mix everything thoroughly (we recommend using a blender for this). This cocktail is recommended to be drunk instead of lunch.
Revitalizing cocktail - about 80 kcal
- natural low-calorie yogurt - 1 cup;
- 250 ml vegetable juice (you can use the store);
- 1 teaspoon of chopped nettle, lemon balm, parsley and mint;
- 1 teaspoon of spinach
- salt and pepper to taste.
Preparation:Combine yoghurt and herbs and mix thoroughly. Then add vegetable juice and spices. Beat the resulting mixture with a blender.
This shake is high in potassium and magnesium. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, helps relieve psychological stress. In addition, after using such a "bomb" we feel a surge of energy. This is a good alternative to your morning coffee.
So, you will have to eat these cocktails for a whole week. This is not an easy task, but you must complete it if you really want to lose 10 kilograms.
Fulton Diet (Intensive Version)
The Fulton Diet is one of the most popular methods in the West. It has three branches - slow weight loss, medium intensity diet and radical express weight loss. It is on the last method that we will stop.
The essence of the diet
The Fulton Diet denies any accepted rule and refutes widely used principles of weight loss.
Important!Only healthy people who have decided to drastically lose weight in a short time can afford it.
- The Fulton Diet does not recommend, like other diets, eating five meals a day. On the contrary, the author believes that three meals a day will be sufficient.
- Eating less is not enough to lose weight. The Fulton technique requires intense but short physical activity before or after a meal. This is necessary in order to immediately burn the calories that you ate.
- You will also need to take cold baths to speed up your metabolism. The water temperature gradually decreases (we start at 20 ° C and every day we decrease the temperature by one degree until we reach 15 ° C). With intensive weight loss, you need to lie in a cold bath for 10 minutes a day. The procedure is performed in the morning after waking up. The water level in the bath is up to the navel.
- Instead of breakfast, Dr. Fulton prescribes coffee. The goal is to stimulate the body to burn fat. If you don't like this drink, you can simply take a caffeine pill instead of breakfast.
- Another important part of the Fulton diet is food. The first meal should be eaten at lunchtime (no earlier than 12-00). Then you can eat at any time. Under no circumstances should you have snacks between meals.
- Fulton advises that you only drink water when you feel thirsty.
- The calorie content of food consumed during the day should not exceed 1000 kcal. In this case, the main emphasis is on proteins, but the specialist advises not to overdo it with vegetables and fruits.
- Thanks to low-calorie nutrition, as well as hydrotherapy and physical activity, a person can actually lose up to 10 kg in one week.
One day schedule according to Fulton's method
We present you with a detailed description of the Fulton Intensive Weight Loss Technique.
- In the morning, immediately after waking up, take a cold bath (duration 10 minutes). After the procedure, rub the body vigorously with a towel.
- Drink a cup of coffee with or without sweetener.
- Do thirty minutes of cardio gymnastics. It can be running in a stadium, jumping rope. In the end, don't forget to do abdominal drying exercises.
- Then do not eat anything until lunchtime.
- Before lunch, train again for 30 minutes.
- At 12: 00 you can eat a ham sandwich and drink a glass of kefir.
- Before the second meal (at 14-16 hours), the workout should last 45 minutes. This can be active sports, aerobics, playing on a console - in general, any activity that makes you sweat.
- The second meal should consist of boiled cereals (for example, rice with soy sauce), 100 g of meat and a salad of two vegetables (for example, tomato and cucumber).
- Plan your dinner (third meal) no later than 2 hours before bed. It should consist of one fruit (kiwi, apple, peach).
- This meal plan should be followed for a whole week. As a result, a person loses 8-12 kg (the exact amount of weight lost depends on individual indicators).
Additional Tricks
In order to speed up weight loss, use additional time-tested "tricks".
This is a good way to cleanse and oxygenate the body. Regular use of the sauna accelerates metabolism and reduces the amount of adipose tissue. Imagine: in one hour spent in the steam room, you lose about 300 kcal - the same as when running a 4 km distance!
Vacuum Liposuction
This method is suitable for wealthy people, since liposuction is not a cheap procedure. The bottom line is simple: the beautician "sucks" fat from problem areas through a special device. Such an operation has contraindications and is a radical measure of weight loss when other methods do not work.
Program your brain to lose weight: every day before bed, imagine your ideal future figure - in bikinis, fashionable dresses, short shorts. This advice may seem ridiculous to you, but our subconscious mind remembers such images, and the body, instead of resisting, becomes our ally. The power of self-hypnosis on weight loss has been proven in numerous scientific experiments!
So, we have given you a detailed and complete picture of how to lose weight by 10 kg. Now it's up to you: armed with determination and perseverance, start making your dream of a slim figure come true!